Advertising Opportunities

Corporate Members

Advertising Opportunities – AFDA Statutory Classes
As you may already know, the AFDA 2021 winter conference has been canceled. However, newly elected or appointed fire board members are still required by the state to take 6 hours of training. AFDA has scheduled five stand-alone one-day statutory training sessions across Arizona, so board members can fulfill their obligations.
There should be a total of 300 fire board members that will either attend in-person training or at-home independent training, and each of them will receive a spiral bound statutory training book.
If you are interested in having an ad placed inside the statutory book, please see options below.
Quarter page (Color):
Size: 3.5″ x 4.625″
Cost: $350
Business Card (Color):
Size: 3.5″ x 2″
Cost: $200
Click here to purchase advertising.
Please submit your artwork no later than Friday, November 27th. The file format can be pdf, jpg or png.
Promotional Item / Insert for Attendee Bag
You have the option of adding a promotional gift or insert into bags the attendees will be receiving.
Cost: $100
There will be a total of 200 attendees over the 5 classes. Please have materials arrive no later than Tuesday, December 8, 2020.
Click here to purchase advertising.